19th International CODATA Conference
Category: Multi-disciplinary Use

Nanotechnology : A Multidisciplinary  Challenge

Albert Truyol (altruyol@club-internet.fr)
Professor, CERET representative in CODATA, France

"If I were asked for an area of science and engineering that will most likely produce the breakthroughs of tomorrow, I would point to nanoscale science and engineering." - Neal Lane, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology -
USA  -  April 1998. [1]

First we would give the definition of nano science and nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is a new word, but it is not an entirely new field. Biologists have observed in the nature several years before, nano structures like chloroplasts which contain nanoscale arrangements  that convert light with carbon dioxide to produce organic matter. Chemical catalysis employed in petroleum huge cracking plants work in the same nanoscale way. "Nano" concern a world of  materials and functionalities with specific properties and behaviour very different of the "Macro" ones , but the second  result of the first.

For example in the organic living species evolution, at the beginning is the atom, less than a nanometer,  then DNA molecules , about one nanometer,  then biological cells ,thousands of nanometers,  then simple bio-organ, a million , and  one man (or woman) billions of nanometers. At these different scales specific arrangements work , like nanoscales machines with Creps cycle at cell level. At each stage some next stage is prepared and built : this is the nanosaga scientists must study in all details, and highlight the great universal construction made.

Second, we would show how all scientific disciplines would contribute also at this dimension level to develop nanotechnology. The presentation of all disciplines, sciences and applications in connection with nanotechnology would request three or four-dimensional array. Thermodynamics and others physical sciences, work at the abstract molecular level, with fundamental approaches, molecular dynamics, with use of big computers, explain some  tiny components behaviour.

CODATA have explore this field in the Symposium M , Materials and Structural Properties, of  14th CODATA '94 International Conference, held in Chambéry, France [2]. Polyphase Structures, Materials Surfaces, Soft chemistry, Intelligent Materials and Microsensors, Dynamics of complex Biosystems, have been presented. Also, in Japan, at Tsukuba, the 15th CODATA' 96 International Conference [3], in the Materials Session, some nanosystems behaviour have been studied. We can notice also the important works made in micro materials and devices which have open out the road for nano ones. In others ways we can notice also mathematicians who reproduce the natural (and to-morrow artificial) complex structure using computer calculations on the basis of abstract tiny objects like fractal generators [4] and  arithmetic realtors [5]. Bringing knowledge from all scientific domains at nano level , one can said "shaping the world atom by atom" [1].

Third , in a pragmatic point of view, some new nanomaterials and new functionalities are studied and discovered. The nano sciences handle various subjects and domains : nano-sized electronics or optoelectronic devices and components, as said before, nanointerface between quantum and classical physics, chemical and biological systems; But there is also , at the moment , fabrication and testing of nanometrical materials and machines : experimentation at this scale demand special skills. For example news, revues and specific list (given by editors like Springer or Elsevier) furnish lots of information on various laboratory studies made, to-day.

There is three mean fields well developed:

  • The nanobiotechnologies, covering functional biologic nanostructures : the proteins, and artificial super molecules, self-organized nanostructures, monocoatings, membranes, ADN and protein chips, and  nanomanipulations by various strengths: optical, magnetic fluidic fields, and nano machines, and molecule target detection.[6]
  • The nanoelectronics with advanced materials: memories of the future, molecular electronic circuits, hybrid memory devices, nanocells for molecular computing, molecular programmability, conduction in individual molecules , nanoelectroniics on a bio-scaffold, nanowire heterostructures and lasers, .electronics beyond the conventional, nanowriting,. [7].
  • The world of communication and information will be very transformed, and data archiving, data access,. and infoscience technology will be improved.

There is also possible new sensors , described in the NASA  Nanotechnology Road Map, like in space nano probes, nano flight systems components , quantum navigation sensors , .and also for general transportation means. In medecine many nano sensors can be used : for immunoessays, and with luminescence probes, .in chemistry also on electroanalytical measures.

Presently , microelectronics developments are already so considerable than we would take care on possible more valuable and accurate data, more speed in access and generaly more browsing and finding tools, as it is scheduled in satellite Symposium for Materials Informatics and its Evolution. The nano materials , on top of that electronics developments , which are formed, or made up by nanoobjects ,  give to these materials increased or new properties.

There is several forms of nanotechnologic products : Nanomaterials  as particles with three or two dimensions : carbon tubes, .Macroscopic materials with nano particles, like composites, with better mechanical properties, or in medicine bio compatible (biomaterials), new active membranes ,..or protective materials against pollution or radiations. Coatings nano sized , to give surface properties on solids,.. Different nanocomposants to give assembly ( like ones used in electronics ), and also new alloys in metallurgy.

These nano components are made in new processes very specific , in mainly  soft chemistry , with use of many physical  and eventually biological actions. Mathematical computations are made to represent nanocomposant systems behaviour to construction of control algorithms. Some applications have been listed before , we can give also : new energetic materials in faster combustion and new fuel and solar cells.

From the economic and strategic points of view, mean industrialised countries governments have recently made important interventions to highlight nanosciences and nanotechnology promises. Many forces and tendencies are running through the core of nanotechnology and their related areas. Information and formation issues are posed. Investments in research and development being made by public authorities are increasing : between 1998 and 2003, these investments rose six fold in Europe, eightfold in the United States according to National Nanotechnology Initiative [8] and Japan, and reached three billion euros worldwide. In France many Associations and University groups (RMNT ring) are devoted to this issue, in conjonction with industrial and research government departments. [9]. Many conferences on this subject are scheduled in France and in Europe.


[1]  Nanotechnology - Shaping the World Atom by Atom ( NSTC report) . I. Amato. 1999.
[2]  14th International Codata Conference " Data and Knowleldge in a Changing World", " the quest for a healthier environnement" , 18-22 Septembre 1994, Chambéry, France
[3]  15th International Codata Conference " Scientific Data in the Age of Networking", " their use for global prosperity and better human life" , 28 sept. - 3 Oct. 1996 , Tsukuba, Japan.
[4] Fractals by Mendelbroth
[5] Relateurs arithmétiques -Tomes I et II par Thiébaut Moulin Edit. Belrepère 1997
[6] Revue "FLUX " des Ingénieurs Supelec , N° 227 Déc. 2003/ Janv. 2004 : Dossier : " Les Nanobiotechnologies"
[7]  Progress report : "Materials for future electronics" by Kwan S. Kwok - Nanotoday revue - Elsevier - Dec. 2003.
[8] National Nanotechnology Initiative - report by the National Science and Technology Council, Commitee on Technology, The Interagency Working Group on
Nanoscience, Engineering and Technology , September 1990, Wasington , DC
[9] Les Nanotechnologies -Annales des Mines-Réalités Industrielles-Fév.2004 .ESKA Ed.