19th International CODATA Conference
Category: Economic Development

Systemic’s Towards Sustainable Development

Prof. Albert Truyol
CERET/CODATA France, France

approach deal to better analyses of different angles of sustainable development. For example , for water domain, sustainable development (S.D.) is to set to manage world available resources for long time. In energetic's domain also, the objective is to save fossil resources and encourage studies on acceptable substitute energies and to increase processes energetic yields to bring consumption on control. In the field of organisations S.D. need to solve problems posed by global issues with a new governance about institutional and business standards. Le S.D do not be limited to temporal aspect, there is also a question of passing down heritage. Democratic and technical aspects must be examined. Follow-up care for improvements with key indicators. All this is expansive, financial consequences must be evaluated, without crisis which generate losses. But the technical and scientific research must play an important role in the study of theses questions.  Well-known quantitative representations - datas - of  physical systems must be spread out to solve this global systemic issues.

I would give some references, I known, in the energetic field. There is some important, but hard to apply, studies in Modélisation of Dynamic Systems [1]. In a more pragmatic way , with help of computers, some representations can be made by knowledge [2]or simulation models built around experiences results. Some ideas have been given about Thermodynamical Bonds Graphs [3] very ingenious and complete approch of physical irréversible and dissipatif systems. Informatic modelisation are made by energeticians on complex material systems with advanced analytiques techniques on global systemic angle.[4]. These works have been made to increase energetic yields in more and more complex industrial plants with also study of dynamic phases.  Some mathematical approach are used in an inverse method to know some physic values not directly measurable [5]. In summary systemic modelisation for irreversible and dissipative systems have been well thought by J.L. Lemoigne [6]. In addition to this general background , I would to put the emphasis on measure methods. It is better to use measures which do not interfere with the process, but also fastest for dynamics purposes. In this angle a new class of sensor is emerging : the nanometrics ones! We can expect with general nanotechnologies which are booming a new generation of small sized; easy spreading;  with dynamic and spatial determination, easy transferred response; and cheap sensors adequacy to systemic modelling approach. In the field of organisations economic, social, environmental inter penetrable aspects make up many systems and sous-systems which ought be study with similar systemic approach as physical ones. Working reflexions and models made by scientific unions would be suited to solve many problems in economic and social sciences: some tools to aid environmental decision making have been produced [7]. James G. March [8] , for example, incite to increase such studies, in his "Knowledge Management" school, chiefly according to proliferation of institutional regulations.  The behaviour of private firm is also greatly affected [9]. Some tentatives have been made also in the field of economic studies with dynamics models [10], [11]. In conclusion, philosophical, sociological and cognitive knowlelge [12], would be mixed also with economic, energetic and environmental data, in a scientific systemic approach to take decision, with necessary structured ideas, in an modern liberal changing world.

[1] Systèmes dynamiques et Modélisation par P. Rouchon-Cours EMParis - Mars 1991
[2] Pompe à chaleur à absorption, par A. Truyol -  Energétique  EMParis - Juillet 1978
[3] Physical systems theory in terms of bond-graphs by P. C. Breedveld - thesis - NL-1984
[4] Approche Moderne des Systèmes énergétiques par R. Gicquel  EMParis - Fév. 1990
[5] A genetic algorithm witn decimal coding for the estimation of kinetic and
energetic parameters par L.Balland and alii : Chemometrics and intelligent lab. systems 50(2000)(2)
[6] Théorie du Système Général par J.L. Lemoigne, PUF, 1984
[7] Tools to aid environmental decision making by V.Dale,M.English - Springer- 1998
[8] Decisions and Organisations, by James G. March - Basi Blackwell Ltd, 1994
[9] Fascicule de documentation SD 21000 : Développement durableet responsabilité qociétale des Entreprises - AFNOR- Avril 2003
[10] Workshop on the economy as an evolving Complex system: Summary by K.J. Arrow.
Proceeding Volume in Santa fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of complexity - Perseus-1988
[11] Can Nonlinear Dynamics help Economists ?by Daniello Druelle - réf. like
[12]   --La Décision-par Lucien Sfez - Collection que sais-je - PUF - 1994