19th International CODATA Conference
Category: e-Learning

Knowledge management and pedagogy, news of the couple

Mr. Jean Paul Pinte (pintejp@aol.com), Université Catholique de Lille, Doctorant CESD ISIS de Marne La Vallée, France
Membre de l’Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire: http://www.ulg.ac.be/aipu/
Membre du Comité scientifique de la Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire - http://www.profetic.org:16080/revue/sommaire.php3

"Knowledge Management" is a concept which aims at sharing within a group, within a company, or within a some organization the whole knowledge and knowledge of this entity.

Today this definition does not apply any more only to the world of the company but also more and more to the world of the education. The domain of the training evolves so quickly as all the domains of the economy and the technologies. Indeed, the economy of the knowledge becomes the heart of the socioeconomic dynamics, then new technologies of information and the communication widen considerably the methods, the contents of the training, and the educational relation.

More at the same moment cultural and organizational changes imply:

- The training becomes a process continuous, confidentially connected to the very work
- The useful competence is not individual, but collective any more
- It is thus the company, the territory, the organization that become " learners"

Aware of these phenomena, and to accompany universities in these ways, methods, tools, and some experiments begin to be born within the framework of the management of platform e-learning.

This communication aims at showing how the honorable pedagogy today the concept of management of the knowledge and how it grows rich of its trump cards thanks to tools or Shared supports for example. (Cognitive cards, plans heuristics, mind mapping, …).

Some precise examples are presented and highlight existing applications and crossing between the e-learning and the knowledge management allowed to understand that the knowledge must be envisaged under several aspects: information, training and communication, by using all the potentialities offered by the technologies.

Keywords : Knowledge management, e-learning, pedagogy, competitive intelligence, mind mapping, pedagogic watch