19th International CODATA Conference
Category: Data Archiving

Management of Data Archiving in Global Change Information Research Center, Geographic Science and Natural Resources, China

Zhao Bingru (zhaobr@igsnrr.ac.cn)
Global Change Information Research Center, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, China

Deep gap in data archiving exists between developed countries and developing countries. The main reasons resulted in this status are about following: capital, technology, personnel and management pattern. Much money is needed to Collect, process and archive science & technology data, and to buy expensive storage equipments. Advanced technology and professional personnel with such technology are necessary for data archiving. But the developing countries can not provide these conditions as adequately as developed countries.

China, as one of the developing countries, inevitably faces these problems. Lack of capital and professional personnel, dropping behind of technology, and traditional managing pattern all drag the development of data archiving in China.

The article introduces data archiving in Global Change Information Research Center, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS. The goal of data archiving, the archived data character, archiving technology, archiving history, related archiving equipments, and managing pattern will be covered in this article. The goal of data archiving in our center is to serve for data sharing, especially the MODIS Data sharing in China. The data sources archived here include: MODIS data which is received by ground station in our center, other data from results of research projects finished by our center or co-finished by our center’s members and the researchers of other units. It is about 5 years since the data archiving has begun. Up to date the volume of archived data is about 6TB. And a set of managing pattern are forming including data format, data standard, data processing, database managing, data query and data sharing.