Report on Activities of the CODATA Task Group on Preservation of and Access to Scientific & Technical Data in Developing Countries

Chairs: Liu Chuang, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing , CHINA , Co-chair CODATA Preservation TG, and
William L Anderson, Praxis101, Rye , NY , USA Co-chair CODATA Preservation TG

The CODATA Task Group on Preservation of and Access to Scientific & Technical Data in Developing Countries was established in 2002 and grew from the earlier work of the CODATA Archiving Working Group. It has been active in making visible the issues and challenges of S&T data archiving and access, documenting current data collection practices, and soliciting practicable suggestions for further actions. The Task Group has conducted a series of regional workshops focusing on data preservation and access issues in South Africa and China , and workshops are planned for Latin America and Eastern Europe in 2007.

The session will not have papers. The Task Group co-Chairs will report on the activities with the goal of stimulating discussion of the organizing framework for issues and workshops. It is key that we strive to improve our workshop models and methods of how to move ideas into actions.