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firstname: Ray

lastname: Harris

affiliation: University College London

country: UK

papertitle: The development of international data policy for science

abstract: Proposed for a special IPY session.

The nature and use of scientific data and information, the conditions under which scientific data and information are produced, distributed and managed, and the role of scientists and other actors in these processes have been changing rapidly in recent years. These changes are partly a result of the revolution in computational capacity and connectivity and advances in hardware and software that have expanded the quality and quantity of research data and provided scientists with a greatly increased capacity for data gathering, analysis and dissemination. They are also related to the emergence of new questions in scientific research that require different types of data, the integration or combination of existing data into new kinds of data sets, the digitization of scientific publications to permit on-line links to data and references, and widespread data sharing. The large volume of scientific data is especially characteristic of remote sensing where a growing societal concern for global monitoring matches the growth in data volume.

However, is all the new data available to scientists such as those involved in the International Polar Year (IPY)? What are the challenges of access to data? The International Council for Science (ICSU) has developed recommendations on the development of international data policy for science. This paper will address the main challenges of access to remote sensing data for IPY by examining the following issues: ownership, privacy, intellectual property rights, standards, distribution, pricing and archiving. It will present some of the key recommendations of a recent ICSU report on scientific data and information that examines policy for data access for all scientific data.

keywords: Data policy. ICSU. IPY. Access.

typedname: Ray Harris

date: 14 April 2006

proposal: Submit Paper Abstract
