Theoretical Calculations for Lattice Defects in Oxide

Yasunori Kaneta

Authors: Yasunori KANETA1, Hua-Yun GENG1, Ying CHEN1, Misako IWASAWA2, Toshiharu Ohnuma2 and Motoyasu KINOSHITA2

1Department of Quantum Engineering and System Science School of Engineering,
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

2Department Materials Science Research Laboratory,
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry,
Tokyo, Japan

Energy band structures of oxide materials, especially of uranium dioxide (UO2), are calculated based on first principles method. The generalized gradient approximations (GGA) and additional coulomb interaction correction (+U) for 5f electrons on uranium are important to reproduce electronic and structural properties of UO2 observed by experiments. Stabilities of various defect structures, including impurities of xenon atoms, are calculated based on GGA+U

Keywords: first principles calculations, oxide, uranium dioxide, lattice defects