Long-Term Preservation of Digital Scientific Data -
The InterPARES Approach

Sherry (Li) Xie

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Digital scientific data in the natural sciences refer to experimental laboratory data and observational data generated by using digital technologies. The use of digital technologies greatly enhances the ability of conducting scientific research in the sense that it increases measurement precision and allows longer observing time. At the same time, however, digital technologies pose challenges for data authenticity and long-term preservation. The InterPARES project, guided by diplomatics and archival science, studies scientific data created in experimental, dynamic, and interactive digital environment with respect to their long-term preservation. The Project investigates the whole data lifecycle, i.e., from creation, maintenance, preservation, to access, and addresses issues relating to data reliability, accuracy, and authenticity. Various research tools are used to identify the characteristics of the scientific data and the contexts in which they are produced or captured. Using findings from the research, the InterPARES Project formulates recommendations on which preservation strategies for scientific data can be based.

Key words: digital scientific data; authenticity; long-term preservation