CAS Cyberinfrastructure and e-Science in Past & Near Coming

Dr. Yan Baoping
Computer Network Information Center, CAS,
P.O. Box 349, Beijing ,China

Nowadays modern scientific researches are faced with many challenges: problems are more complex than ever; research object is not isolated, but cross-discipline and large-scale; data processing, simulation and computing become indispensable methods; more and more communication and collaboration among scientists. Therefore, future scientific researches and scientific applications need much more new and useful environment, tools and models among which e-Science, i.e. Informatization of Scientific Research Activity, is becoming more and more important. E-science has the following elements: cyberinfrastructure (e-infrastructure), IP based scientific facility, middleware (grid), human, domain application……

CAS Informatization Program 2001-2005 has been fulfilled with the establishment of CAS website, videoconference system, ARP, distance education, industry system website, virtual museums, networking, Scientific database, and supercomputing. Therefore, CAS cyberinfrastructure situation is becoming better and better.

In the next five years (2006-2010) e-Science or scientific researches through cyber-infrastructure will be one of the main goals of CAS. CAS e-Science activities include upgrading e-Infrastructure of e-Science, constructing scientific research facility based on IP, developing key middleware—grid, and deploying & demonstrating e-Science applications in scientific field. There have been many successful e-Science applications like predications of earthquakes in Yangjiang, Guangdong and Chuxiong, Yunnan, weather effect on ecosystem and city planning of Beijing, and so on.

CNIC(Computer Network Information Center, CAS), which is responsible for building and operating new IT infrastructure for science and research in the 21st century in CAS, will continue to provide supporting and servicing for the cyber-infrastructure of CAS. Meantime, CNIC is an ideal contact point for international collaboration on e-Science related. CNIC looks forward to more collaboration on cyber-infrastructure and e-Science with international partners like US, Russian, EU and Korea

Keywords: cyberinfrastructure; e-Science; informatization; CAS