CEOS/WGISS Data Resources, Technology and Services

B1 Session Chair:
LIU Dingsheng, Professor of Remote Sensing Ground Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vice Chair of Technology and Services Subgroup, WGISS

C1 Session Chair:
John Faundeen, EROS Data Center, USGS, Former WGISS Chair

The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) is an international coordinating mechanism charged with coordinating international civil spaceborne missions designed to observe and study planet Earth. The members of CEOS are come from major space agencies and national/international organizations worldwide. The Working Group of Information Systems and Services (WGISS) is the major working group under CEOS and it focuses on the provision of products, tools and services to realize the full potential of earth observation data. WGISS aims to assist CEOS participants, as data providers, to maintain efficient support to diverse users worldwide for easy access and application of that data. Besides, WGISS aims to address the needs of data providers by improving their efficiency of operation and maximizing the usefulness and benefit of the EO data which they gather. WGISS also addresses the needs of data and information users by aiding the development of simpler and wider access to the resources they require. This session will have 9 invited speakers from the CEOS/WIGSS partners and devided into two physical sessions. The sessions will present the most resent information about the remote sensing data resources, technology and services from CEOS/WGISS contributed by more than 40 space agencies in the world.


John Faundeen, EROS Data Center , USGS, Former WGISS Chair, Tel: 605-594-6092/Fax: 707-222-0223, Email:

LIU Dingsheng, Remote Sensing Ground Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vice Chair of Technology and Services Subgroup, WIGSS, Tel: 86-10-62652103, Email:


LIU Chuang, IGSNRR/CAS, China