Implementation of GEO Data Sharing Principles - Challenges and Opportunities

Josè Achache, GEO Secretariat Director

The GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan is rather clear on the data sharing principles to be implemented, i.e. full and open exchange with minimum time delay and at minimum cost.

To introduce these principles into the scenario of a multitude of data providers working with different data policies is one of the important challenges for GEO.

GEO is providing an unprecedented and unique opportunity to make a substantial step towards the definition and the progressive implementation of a worldwide-agreed scenario on data policy, to be applied to Global Earth Observation System of Systems GEOSS.

The paper will, within the GEO context, analyse the major issues and identify the main actors in the area of data sharing and discuss their present and expected role for the implementation of the GEOSS data sharing principles.

The analysis will also include the identification of those barriers that today do not allow application of the GEO principles.

As outlook the paper will present a set of guidelines that should be the basis to draft an Action Plan for f urthering the practical application of a set of agreed GEOSS data sharing principles.